In other uses, it may control the display mode of a component, or enable or disable the component based on the role of the user. 在其他场合,动作还可以控制组件的显示模式,或者根据用户的角色启用或禁用组件。
Does the Web UI provide a high-contrast display mode? 这个WebUI是否提供一个高对比度的显示模式?
Effects of carbon nanotubes on the electro-optical properties of the twisted nematic liquid crystal display mode 碳纳米管对扭曲向列相液晶显示模式电-光性能的影响
When you load the page in a browser, you can switch the page into edit mode by selecting Edit in the display mode drop-down list control. 当在浏览器中加载页面时,通过从“显示模式”下拉列表控件中选择“编辑”,可以将页面切换到编辑模式。
Method is to prepare a web page to enter or exit the edit display mode. 方法的主要用途是为网页进入或退出编辑显示模式作好准备。
When the users are using it, they can also control the display mode through certain hot keys. 用户使用过程中,还可以通过某些热键来控制显示模式。
The LED display system is composed of display module, controller and computer used to implement the characters inputting and the display mode selecting. LED显示系统主要由显示模块、控制器以及完成文字录入和显示模式选择的计算机三个部分组成。
To understand the process of computer graphics and learn knowledge VGA display mode settings. 了解计算机图形显示过程并学习VGA显示模式设置知识。
Line, surface display mode pattern using screen printing, assembly assembly methods using the latest technology! 线路、表面显示图案采用丝网方式印刷,组装采用最新科技组装方法!
Gets a value that determines whether users can change the layout of a web parts page when the page is in a certain display mode. 获取一个值,该值确定当一个web部件页处于某种特定显示模式时,用户是否能够更改页面布局。
Changes the display mode of the ruler ( paragraph, table, and document) 改变标尺的显示模式(段落、表格和文档)
Gets the name of a display mode. 获取显示模式的名称。
If you run the sample code and click the display mode page menu, you can alternate among the different personalization modes on the menu: browse, design, and edit. 如果运行该代码示例并单击“显示模式”页菜单,您可以在菜单上切换不同的个性化设置模式:“浏览”、“设计”和“编辑”。
Display mode is the same as fault wave recording. 显示方式和故障滤波一样。
With the DL version, a file display mode allows users to create and store thickness readings in files. 与消旋版本,文件显示模式允许用户创建和存储厚度读s的文件。
When in design display mode or edit display mode, the user has the ability to invoke the Close command on a Web Part. 在设计显示模式或者编辑显示模式下,用户能调用Web部件的“关闭”命令。
The Delete command is only available when in edit display mode. “删除”命令在出现在编辑显示模式。
Zone, users can switch a page into catalog display mode, and add back to a page any controls that were previously closed. 控件,则用户可将该页切换到目录显示模式,并可将以前关闭的任何控件重新添加到该页中。
The title property applies only when a page is in catalog display mode, and a webpart control is being displayed in a catalog of controls. 仅当页处于目录显示模式下且控件目录中显示一个webpart控件时,title属性才适用。
Represents the display mode in which end users can edit and modify server controls. 表示最终用户可在其中编辑和修改服务器控件的显示模式。
Use the display mode drop-down list control and select catalog to switch the page to catalog mode. 使用“显示模式”下拉列表控件并选择“目录”以将页切换到目录模式。
When the crown is pressed to open the case the stem switch is also depressed, bringing the watch out of standby and into display mode. 当用按下表冠去打开表盖时,连在表柄上的开关也会按下,这会让表从待机模式退出工作在显示模式下。
Gets or sets the display mode for the Axis major outside "cross" tic marks. 刻度条是否要显示到坐标轴的外边。画笔宽度。
The remote control of the console was terminated because the display mode was changed. Changing the display mode in a remote control session is not supported. 由于更改了显示模式,控制台的远程控制已终止。不支持在远程控制会话中更改显示模式。
Firstly, users can find the target menu item more easily with its special display mode. Secondly, it is suitable for browsing items in a long menu. 鱼眼菜单的布局方式使得用户便于发现目标菜单项,比较适合长的菜单项的选择,在视觉效果上能激发用户的兴趣;
Click end connection, and then use the display mode control again to return the page to browse mode. 单击“结束连接”,然后再次使用“显示模式”控件使该页返回到浏览模式。
As an alternate way of switching to a display mode, without requiring the user control, click the catalog mode button near the bottom of the page. 作为切换显示模式的一种替代方式,不必使用用户控件,只需单击页面底端附近的“目录模式”按钮。
The display program can adjust the angle of view, display mode, background color and illumination, etc. 显示程序可以调节视角、显示模式、背景颜色和光照等参数。
The display mode of operation station is screen mode and window mode. 操作站显示方式有全屏模式和窗口模式。
Design display mode of the panoramic vision processing system. 全景视觉处理系统显示模式设计。